Named GP

It is now a requirement of the NHS contract for general practice that all registered patients are to be informed of their named GP. A named GP is largely a role of oversight, with the requirement being introduced to reassure patients they have a named GP within the practice who takes responsibility for ensuring that appropriate processes and standards are in place for the delivery of safe health care.

Due to the other changes to our business, our patients will no longer be registered with a specific named partner, but instead, the registration will simply state you are registered with ‘Ripley Medical Centre’.

Please be informed that your named GP will be Dr Sarah Milner, as the clinical lead GP for the practice.

Patients are still entitled to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice in line with current arrangements.

Preference of practitioner

Whilst registered with us we encourage patients to see any of the doctors and clinical staff. However, you may express a preference for a particular doctor. Once a preference has been indicated we will endeavour to comply with the request. However, there may be times when this is not possible, for example, if the doctor is unavailable, or the services requested are not provided by your preferred doctor.

Should a patient wish to see their preferred doctor then it may result in a longer waiting time for their appointment.